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Unreasonable Expectations

April 8, 2024

For any one person allegedly elected

To one country’s grossly misrepresented


(My guess is other countries are pulling the same bullshit
We just are not aware of it here because our ego won’t allow it)


That holds all the virtues of an Idiot Plot

An “idiot plot” is one that is “kept in motion solely by virtue of the fact that everybody involved is an idiot”.

– Roger Ebert

Unfortunately, that is how collective consciousness works

Being spoon-fed indoctrinations from grade school on
While brains are still soft and readily absorbent to accept that
“Democracy” along with capitalism is the best government

(It may be, but sometimes good, is just not good enough.)

Knowing fool well, capitalism pulls the strings of democracy
Spending their advertising dollars on political contributions
Getting a better ROI for their buck than standard ads would

“When you’re stepping over a homeless guy on the sidewalk…
Does it ever occur to you to think
“Wow – maybe our system doesn’t work?!”

– Bill Hicks

Pledging allegiance to an abstract concept, not understanding
Fully or foolishly, what a pledge, republic, or allegiance even is
Just regurgitated and repeated until it sinks in so deep
It is like riding a bicycle. Once you learn how, you can’t unlearn
Because one is peddling in a concentric circle around
In a filter bubble while doubling as an echo chamber

Side note:

Here is something interesting I found when doing cursory research about unlearning to ride a bike and, subsequently, other stuff, too.
I receive no money from it, nor should I. It is just a great example.

And yet, many, if not most of the once in
Every four year, gambling addicts want to put all their chips
On either red or black (blue) because of vague promises
Wishful thinking and subjective projections of how
They think life is going to be if their bet “wins”

That their elected schmuck as the head muckety muck
Of the entire “free” world is charged to “protect” it, them and
Their wallet, guns, freedom, health, security, religion, family, etc…

“WHAT? Are these fucking people kidding me?”

– George Carlin

Same goes for that Jesus fella you hear and see so much about
In the unreasonable expectations department of a savior
Who is expected to single handedly save every one on earth
Though he is harder to find then Waldo, except in depictions
Having been slain by the state, that it is OK to murder the innocent

Pilate! Crucify him!
Remember Caesar – you have a duty
To keep the peace, so crucify him!
Remember Caesar – you’ll be demoted, you’ll be deported
Crucify him!

Don’t let me stop your great self destruction
Die if you want to, you misguided martyr!
I wash my hands of your demolition
Die if you want to, you innocent puppet!”

“Trial Before Pilate” – “Jesus Christ Super Star “

(Here’s the kicker) Only “if” they “believe” in “him”.  Ooopsie

Giving him all the credentials of Dumbo’s magic feather

Later revealed that the magic is not in the feather

Rather in the irrational belief that a divine master of wisdom
Through unsubstantiated claims has the power to be a
Travel agent to send you to a good place and not a bad one
Not that either exist tangibly anywhere except, up or down “there”
In relationship to a sphere hurling rapidly through the cosmos
As humanity holds tight to fictitious concepts of heaven or hell

Hint: we made them up, because that is how powerful we are.

Now if we could only be powerful enough to…

“Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today…. Aha-ah…
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace…
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world…”


– John Lennon

By continuing to write posts to this goofy blog
I have the unreasonable expectations that sooner or later
Humanity is going to 100th monkey theory its way
Out of having any anticipation that a savior or psychopath
Is going to help us in any way, until we all realize it is up to us

Without governments, guides, gurus, guns, or gods

“I write to expunge the darkness so
That someday light may shine through”

– Angelo Devlin

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